I’m not Spock. I’m not even a Trekkie but you wouldn’t know that by my resume. My professional past is eerily full of Trek connections. As a writer/director, my first feature film starred TNG’s own Wil Wheaton. As a copywriter, I provided original Blu-ray content for literally every Star Trek movie in existence. As Art Director at Paramount Pictures’ online division, I oversaw the official Star Trek website for years. And at the beginning of my career, I was the graphic designer on an interactive documentary about the Titanic – narrated by Patrick Stewart.
But I hope you will remember me as a filmmaker, first and foremost. And for the record, I’ve never met Leonard Nimoy.
I graduated from CalArts with a BFA in film and experimental animation. Moved to LA and made a living as a graphic designer. Since 2002 I’ve worked as a freelance writer, filmmaker, consultant, designer, and public speaker. In 2012, I was hired by lynda.com to write and host an online course called Screenwriting Fundamentals, which will hopefully be up forever. In 2014 I also began writing movie-related content – photo galleries, quizzes, etc. – for fandango.com.
I live in West Hollywood, CA with my wife Miki and our cat Cricket.
titlewriter + director + designercompanycassava filmsview onlinecassavafilms.comwatch videovimeo.com