Rod Basham is the VFX supervisor at the Los Angeles offices of Imaginary Forces. Wearing several hats, Rod is often called upon for his skills as a Flame artist.
Rod began his career in visual effects as a production assistant at PDI’s Los Angeles office. His foray into VFX editorial began at RGA/LA, where he was hired as an editorial assistant. At Cinesite Los Angeles (now Laser Pacific), he worked in editorial for 3 years, adding many credits to his name including Jerry Maguire and Air Force One.
Rod’s next stop? Imaginary Forces (IF), where he quickly progressed from Asset Manager/Flame assistant to operator to VFX supervisor. During this time, Rod has worked on numerous feature film main title sequences including Spiderman, My Sister’s Keeper, The Pink Panther 2, In the Bedroom, The Mummy 2 and The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. His commercial work includes spots for Microsoft, Pontiac, Nike, Lexus, Spike, and Infiniti.
As a lead Flame artist and designer, he’s contributed feature film content for an impressive list of titles, including Terminator Salvation, Blade 3, The Spiderwick Chronicles, Titus, and Steve Spielberg’s Minority Report. He was also the lead flame artist on live theatrical content for the Wynn Hotel and Casino’s Lake of Dreams in Las Vegas and Julie Taymor’s Grendel Opera.
Rod has also been involved in a number of architectural and experience design projects including Design and the Elastic Mind featured at MOMA . Independently, Rod directed his first music video, which was featured in Resfest in 2004.
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