Call of Duty, that’s what got me started down the path to Motion Graphic Design.
That and a concussion from soccer that knocked me out of school for 4 months – which my Dad said finally knocked some sense into me!
I had never heard of Motion Graphic Design, After Effects, Cinema 4D or any Adobe products when I first started out. Never had a computer course or an art lesson. I literally started messing around while I was recovering from my concussion, which was, capturing Call of Duty video clips with an HD PVR, adding some effects on my MacBook, and then posting it on YouTube.
And that’s where it started, with a video game. I wanted to do more, add cooler effects, add original content, so I started to watch tutorials, ask people how they did things, sketched out what I wanted to do, sometimes spending hours on a few seconds of video and not even realized I was “working” because it was so much fun.
Doing it for fun was great but then I started to get positive feedback, people were asking me how I did it, asking me if I could show them how to do certain things, could I make one for them, etc. – all of these things drove my desire to learn how to do what I was doing even better.
And then, someone offered to pay me to make a video for them.
WHAAAATT!!! Have fun, get paid, learn more, get better, repeat – this was amazing!!!
Since that very initial attempt two and half years ago I’ve grown to add clients such as HP and ESPN as well as music artists like Hoodie Allen and Clement. I’ve been freelancing online close to two years now and have loved every second of it, even the tough clients!
In June I graduated from High School and this summer I will be interning at Trollback and Company where I will learn from some of the best in the Industry. And then starting August 24th, I will be attending SVA (The School of Visual Arts where I received the Silas H. Rhodes Scholarship), majoring in Advertising with a focus in Motion Graphics and plan to graduate in 2017.
My name is Luke Guyer, I am 18 years old, and I know exactly what I want to do with my life and I want to tell everyone that story.
titlemotion designer + studentcompanynyc school of visual artsview onlinewww.lukeguyer.com