Creator of ads. Forger of messages. Crafter of words. Speaker to human beings. Eater of Gelato.
A creative’s creative, derek is a student and fan of advertising. Which is good since he has worked in advertising for nearly 20 years on a variety of clients and accounts.
After watching his bosses get wealthy off of his creative thinking and work, derek declared, “I’ve had all I can stand, I can’t stands no more!” and opened brown and browner advertising (okay, maybe that was Popeye, but he was thinking it). Actually, owning an advertising agency has been his dream since childhood. Yeah, his was a strange childhood. derek believes advertising when done properly can help clients grow their business.
Known for his striking handsomeness and stunning intelligence, derek’s most endearing characteristic is his meek and humble personality. A natural problem solver, he brings a unique insight to every project. derek believes advertising should speak to people, not at them.
Recently, derek has been a blogger for Adage.com, an advertising industry publication on a variety of subjects related to advertising. And is now blogging for Talentzoo.com. Active in the advertising community, derek is currently working with the local chapter of the American Advertising Federation to help introduce advertising as a career option to minority students. He is also a member of the University of South Carolina School of Journalism curriculum committee.
When derek isn’t rescuing small children and puppies, he’s hard at work helping to educate people to the power and benefit of advertising.
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