“You have so many gifts for the world… But, please don’t start the bathroom renovation while I’m gone.”
After 25 years together, my sweetheart “gets” me. It’s not that he doesn’t think I’m capable, he just knows my methods might be a little unorthodox and indirect… I’ve attempted and succeeded at a number of wacky pursuits and have found a variety of ways to express my talents: I’m a senior consultant for HexaGroup, a split personality Creative/Technical agency in Houston Texas. I apply both sides of my brain, speak “engineer” quite well, work with senior executives to craft communication strategies, am a user interface designer, and love to work directly with clients to dream up — and make real — the wacky projects they might have in my mind (usually for a smaller budget than I would prefer, but that’s the real world for you…)
There’s been a variety of odd jobs in preparation for this one, but isn’t that the way a person builds a “creative” career? Several years as a broadcaster while earning a degree in anthropology… A museum educator for 5 years where I wrangled snakes, alligators, fourth graders, home school parents, and an antiquated planetarium projector…a stint developing public programming for Jungian analysts that helped me become better acquainted with my Shadow and Animus…
But Charles is right… I’m a little sloppy with crowbars. But then, no one is perfect!
titlewriter + voice artist